Community Nursery
N4C has a nursery attached to its HQ at 66 Baron St Greenslopes, and we re-launched it in 2015. The goal of the nursery is to provide plants for bushcare sites in our catchment and surrounding areas, and to involve the local community in an enjoyable social activity (ie not as sweaty as bushcare!). You can get free plants too!
Project Details
N4C’s nursery has an increasing stock list of local native plants available for free to Habitat Brisbane bushcare groups. In the 12 months to December 2022, nursery volunteers put in over 620 person hours to propagate plants and maintain the nursery, despite our having to close during the lockdown. 5557 free plants went out to bushcare sites – thanks to all volunteers for their great contribution!
We collect seed from nearby natural areas, under our permits to collect. We have had good germination of a range of local species and our brilliant volunteers do a great job potting them up. Various groups have worked in partnership to help us out, including Telstra’s Sales Management team, Suncorp Motor Insurance and the Brisbane Youth Education and Training Centre – thanks!
The nursery team are always looking for ways to make our operation more sustainable, whether it is by harvesting rainwater for irrigation, washing used pots or minimising plastic waste. The nursery is subject to flooding, so we make sure anything which is stored on the lower shelves is lashed down or lashed together so it doesn’t make a mess if it goes for a swim!
(To our evening visitors: there are no valuables or cash in the nursery, and our security cameras are fully operational.)
N4C members
The N4C nursery provides 10 free plants to N4C members each year to put in their gardens; we hope you will enjoy observing how animals, birds or butterflies use them. These plants could eventually create mini-corridors of native vegetation in our catchment. Many local insects are evolved to eat specific local plants, so growing them really keeps the wheels turning for our ecosystem. You’ll also be providing food and shelter for animals and birds, letting you bring more nature into your garden.
With more people coming to the nursery, we can share knowledge about local plants and about what is going on in the catchment. Availability will vary due to weather and other factors. Why not pop in during the next nursery working bee?
If you’d like to get involved in the nursery, attend one of our monthly working bees or weekly Friday sessions – check our Facebook page (NOTE: There is a limit of 10 people at nursery sessions for COVID-safe operations.)
Bushcare Group Leaders
Need plants for your bushcare site? Email us and we’ll see if we have got what you need. We can supply you with free plants but we’ll leave the species selection to you, as you know your site best. Or consult your Habitat Brisbane Officer.
N4C’s nursery is proudly funded by a Lord Mayor’s Community Sustainability & Environmental Grants Program Grant from Brisbane City Council.