Peronne Creek

This small patch of bushland contains a very pretty section of Peronne Creek with its natural meanders intact, which also provides habitat resources for birds and animals. 

Project Details

The Peronne Creek bushcare site has been established to help stabilise the bare creek banks, care for regenerating native plants and replace habitat.  Many native plants are resprouting from suckers and germinating as seedlings.  Our volunteers have been planting natives, controlling vine weeds and retaining vegetation on steep creek banks.  Thanks to Minister Mark Bailey for assistance with mulch.

To add to the group’s work and enhance connectivity upstream towards Toohey Forest, it is hoped that local residents will retain important habitat trees and plant native species in their own yards.

Background of the project

Peronne Creek has particular value as it could form a potential wildlife corridor with Tarragindi Environmental Reserve upstream. Planting was done here prior to the year 2000, in a small park along Peronne Rd on leftover Main Roads land. A range of shrubs, trees and Lomandras were planted to provide better riparian vegetation.

After the construction of the veloway in 2020, Transport and Main Roads cleared a lot of the vegetation.  They replanted part of the area, which now forms part of the bushcare site.  

Peronne creek is piped under the freeway, and then joins Ekibin Creek near Holland Park High School near the bus station.

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