Compost Hub
The purpose of the composting hubs is to reduce the amount of food scraps going to landfill and to provide quality fertilizer for bushcare sites. The community area also welcome to take some of the finished compost from the wooden creates next to the bins at any time.
Project Details
N4C hosts a Brisbane City Council composting hub in our front garden at 66 Baron St Greenslopes is well used. It is well frequented with over 150 people registered with the Council to use the facility. Thanks to Adam Purdy and all the volunteers who are helping with turning the compost regularly, and keeping an eye on the hub throughout the week.
Community members can bring their kitchen scraps to the hub any time and follow the directions to put them in an active compost bin. Then add some dry organic matter (4 times the amount of scraps) from the brown bin provided at the site.
If you are using the hub regularly why don’t you help us out? It is just another 5 minutes on top of your regular trip. Contact ua.gro.tnemhctac-keerc-namron@yraterces or Adam Purdy moc.liamg@57ydrupmada if you are interested.