GIS and mapping

N4C has completed a number of GIS projects and plans to continue mapping sites of interest in our catchment. Future GIS work will depend on the availability of skilled volunteers or supervisors: contact us if this sounds like you!

Project Details

Mapping ecological features of Norman Creek and its tributaries will help us and also other agencies to make better decisions about development and restoration in the catchment. This work depends on the generosity of members with special expertise – thank you to all of them! Some examples include:

Mapping the state of Norman Creek

Norman Creek’s sub-catchments have been mapped and the result is presented in our Catchment map under the “Resources” section. It includes a variety of layers, so you can turn on and off roads, waterways, street names, and suburb boundaries.

As part of N4C’s work to contribute to Brisbane City Council’s Norman Creek 2012-2031 Master Plan, members of the executive went out to record the condition of the various waterways in the catchment. They recorded which sections were in good condition with healthy riparian vegetation, which sections had steep and eroding banks, which had been concreted, and which had been piped underground. Data such as photographs and coordinates are still being collected.

Mapping vegetation types and habitat areas

Students from UQ helped collect data and create the map in 2011. This shows the different vegetation communities that had been created through 15 years of restoration work at Moorhen Flats. Lisa Weber and Ashley Nicholson then drew up the future plan to guide the bushcare group in their ongoing work, showing the best direction for any future plantings. The map was updated in 2015 by Paulina Lee, to reflect the current vegetation at the site, in consultation with Fran Thomas.

Habitat areas have been mapped at Arnwood Place, by Paulina Lee. This work helps support our Baseline Ecological Monitoring.

GIS map of N4C<br />catchment

N4C acknowledges the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the lands on which N4C is situated and conducts its bushcare and environmental work.


Proudly supported by
Brisbane City Council

brisbane city council logo

 Dedicated to a
better Brisbane


Norman Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee (N4C)
66 Baron Street
Greenslopes QLD 4120

PO Box 23
Camp Hill QLD 4152
Phone: (07) 3391 4235
Email: ua.ten.dnopgib@kcnamron
ABN / ACN 24 859 322 324

Container Deposit Scheme ID: C10038963

Copyright: Normanton Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee       Site Design: Working Planet