Coorparoo Finger Gullies

Uphill from Majestic Park, Coorparoo, you can walk up one of four green “fingers” or narrow strips of green space. An energetic bushcare group is caring for these tributaries which are just a stone’s throw from White’s Hill.

Project Details

Coorparoo Finger Gullies Bushcare Group has been operating since 2016 and has engaged local residents, young people from two local high schools, and corporate volunteers.

Water that flows down these gullies (in the rain) ends up in Bridgewater Creek. Koalas have been sighted many times in the gullies, along with squirrel gliders, parrots and a lovely green tree snake. The group aims to improve habitat for this wildlife in the suburbs, and protect it. Planting native shrubs and grasses around the gum trees has saved them from repeated damage that had been occurring when mowing contractors passed by. Nest box installation provides homes for gliders, possums and birds, where trees have not reached the advanced age needed to create hollows.

N4C had already done a lot of riparian planting lower down on this creek at Wembley Park, so it made sense to extend this work to the upper catchment as well. N4C obtained a grant in 2015 to revegetate a section of the ephemeral creek in the green space between Octantis and Mars Streets. See the image gallery for some early photos of the young native plants.

To get involved, come to one of the group’s working bees to look after the plantings and extend the work; check their Facebook page for dates. Image gallery includes wildlife sightings in the actual gullies!

Image Gallery